Specialty Ideas

change color of completed treatment from green to yellow after 5 years for crowns and 2 years for fillings which are insurance norms.

Insurance companies generally will pay for a new crown after five years and a new filling after 2 years. In CV once you have completed treatment it stays light green forever so if a crown needs to be replaced and is 10 years old you would have to get up and look at the ledger, or view the treatment history to know how old the crown is to determine if the insurance company will pay for it. When I am doing and exam it would be great to be able to look at the monitor with CV up and see that, yes we did the crown on #3 and it is over 5 years old or yes we did the filling on #24 and it is less than 2 years old. The treatment needs to be done no matter how old but having that information while you are doing your visual exam would allow better and more efficient communication with our patients and staff. So please vote to change the color of the outline from green to yellow for crowns over 5 years old and for fillings over 2 years old.
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  • Feb 4 2019
  • Future consideration
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