Aging Report Changes
The current aging report has 7 aging buckets, 0 to 30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90, 91 to 120, 121 to 150, 151 to 180 and 181+ days, which would be 6 months or greater. However, these aging buckets are on the totals for each patient.
By TOTAL, I mean that it includes BOTH insurance claims balances AND patient balances.
The equation being, total balances = insurance claims balances + patient balances.
I would like all 3 perspectives separated out
1. the total balances and those aging buckets (which you have)
2. the insurance claim balances ONLY, with the same aging buckets
3. the patient balances ONLY, with the same aging buckets
I have the solution for this already as I managed to reverse engineer the math and logic on your report in Microsoft Excel. I could give you my solution if you wish.
Why is this important?
Because many patients make the excuse that they will not pay until all insurance claims are in and have come back with a flat out denial, or insurance actually does pay. This alleviates that hurdle. The other problem it solves is that a dentist office can see all in one spot, the entirety, the universe of what is owed, by whom, and in each exact bucket, which makes it easier to collect the money, especially when cleaning up old accounts receivable, which may not have been done correctly the first time.
Eric Lutz
A couple of issues:
when you click on the "Include only Patient" radial button it displays all patients that have a patient balance, but for those patients that have a patient balance, it also gives their corresponding insurance balance. I want to see ONLY the patient balances. When you click on the "Include only Insurance" radial button it displays all patients that have an insurance balance, but for those patients that have a insurance balance, it also gives their corresponding patient balance. I want to see ONLY the insurance balances.
The aging report that I would like to see is a SINGLE REPORT, with the 7 aging buckets repeated 3 times each (21 columns). The seven aging buckets for insurance balance ONLY, the seven aging buckets for patient balance only, and the same seven aging buckets for total balance only, per each patient, so that all these balances show up or are displayed on EACH ROW for EACH PATIENT. The 7 aging buckets are, 0 to 30, 31 to 60, 61 to 90, 91 to 120, 121 to 150, 151 to 180 and 181+ days.