Specialty Ideas

treatment plans, pre-determinations

Please add the date when a treatment plan was "actually" submitted to insurance via the clearing house not when we clicked on "Resubmit" a treatment plan, there's no record of when it was actually submitted and from what location. With claims submission you can check Claim Detail in regards to what date and who submitted it, so it's easier to track eTrans reports and location of transmission. We have multiple offices and on numerous occasions the treatment plans end up in different offices rather than the office where the patient was seen for the consultation. Also, please make sure that all the items on the treatment plan are submitted from "one" office. On many occasions the treatment plan gets separated into multiple locations regardless that the items are in the same phase / appointment and so then we have to re-enter the entire treatment plan in order to submit it to insurance.

  • Halya Yost
  • Mar 8 2023
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